
When to use ML and when not

Michael Hannecke

The Pros and Cons of Using Machine Learning to Solve Problems: A Comparative Guide

In our rapidly evolving digital world, machine learning (ML) is becoming an increasingly popular approach for solving complex problems. Its powerful capabilities have revolutionized various fields, from healthcare and finance to retail and entertainment. However, as with any tool or method, it's important to know when and where to apply it.

To help you understand when to use ML and when to stick with traditional methods,see a sample comparison table below.

Pro ML Contra ML
Can manage complexity:ML is great at handling complex problems where traditional algorithms would fail or become inefficient. Simplicity: If the problem is not overly complex, using ML might be overkill and could complicate the solution unnecessarily.
Adapts to new data: ML models can learn and adapt from new data, making them suitable for dynamic environments or problems. Static data/conditions: If the data and problem conditions are not changing, a more traditional, static approach could be appropriate and more efficient.
Scalability: ML models can handle and process huge amounts of data quickly and efficiently. Requires 100% accuracy: ML models, especially those based on probabilistic approaches, might not provide 100% accuracy, which could be problematic if absolute accuracy is a must.
Personalization: ML algorithms can learn individual patterns and behaviours, allowing for personalized recommendations or solutions. Requires full interpretability: If it's necessary to fully understand and explain the decision process, ML, especially complex models like deep learning, may not be the best solution due to their "black-box" nature.
Real-time responsiveness: ML can be used to make real-time predictions, which can be especially useful in rapidly changing environments. Resources and expertise: ML can be resource-intensive in terms of computational power and data requirements. Additionally, it requires expertise to develop, train, and maintain ML models.

While machine learning can offer powerful solutions to complex problems, it's not always the right tool for the job. If your problem is simple and static, doesn't require real-time or personalized solutions, and interpretability or absolute accuracy is a must, then traditional methods may be more suitable.

Additionally, you need to consider the investment required in terms of computational resources and expertise. Machine learning models can be resource-intensive and require a skilled team to develop, train, and maintain.

On the other hand, if you're dealing with a complex, dynamic problem, needing to process huge amounts of data efficiently or provide personalized solutions, then machine learning could offer the most effective solution. It excels in dealing with complexity and can adapt to new data, making it an ideal choice for dynamic environments and large-scale problems.

In conclusion, choosing between machine learning and traditional methods depends on the nature of your problem and specific needs. Consider all these factors before deciding on the best approach. Remember, the best tool is the one that solves your problem efficiently and effectively.


To identify a good problem to solve using ML, identify your business outcome or goal, and ask these questions:

  • What is the strategy to achieve the goal?
  • How can you use ML to achieve this goal?
  • What aspects of the problem make it a good fit to apply ML?

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